Starting from week 36, one to two acupuncture treatments is the ideal method to prepare your body to have the most efficient labour possible. Regular acupuncture treatment in the weeks leading up to your EDD may allow you to go into labour on time and facilitate the normal progress of labour free from complications once it begins.

Research suggest that labour preparation acupuncture:

1. Ripens the cervix
2. Reduces the number of medical inductions in first time mums
3. Initiates labour and shortens the first state of labour
4. Reduces labour pain which in turn reduces the rate of epidural usage

In addition to the above benefits, seeing your registered Acupuncturist weekly will offer you the opportunity to address any stress or symptoms that you might be experiencing in the last few weeks of pregnancy. Acupuncture can be useful for swelling, back/hip pain, acid reflux, headaches and anxiety associated with the labour process, motherhood and many other common pregnancy symptoms. We can also use acupuncture to encourage breech and posterior babies to turn.

Call us on 9708 4338 or book online to make an appointment for acupuncture.