Work is resuming full time and there is so much to be done. But before you dive right in, it’s important to establish boundaries to reduce your risk of burnout. Burnout is extremely common for people who like to be in control, who consider themselves a perfectionist and who are very ambitious. So how do you know when you are beginning to experience burnout?

Here are 5 signs you may be experiencing burn out:

  1. withdrawal from socialising
  2. lack of motivation
  3. mood changes like irritability
  4. sleep disruption
  5. low energy

The good news is that there are things you can do to prevent burnout. Aside from the obvious things like nutrition, exercise, 8 hours of sleep etc, some extra things you can do are:

  • Self Care Sunday – designate one day where you allocate time to spend on yourself, this could be having a bubble bath, getting your nails done, getting a massage etc
  • redefine your goals and make sure what you’re working on, is in line with achieving these goals
  • block out specific time for friends and family eg go for a picnic Saturday afternoon
  • allocate an hour before bed that is your wind down time – no phones, laptops or tablets (unless you use a tablet to read books)
  • keep an emotional journal, expressing how you felt each day helps you to keep track and also gives you an outlet
  • buy an adult colouring book, there’s a reason these became such a craze. Studies found that colouring can help to refocus the brain and reduce stress.


‘Don’t get so busy making a living that you forget to make a life’… Dolly Parton


If you are experiencing severe symptoms and are in need of someone to talk to please seek help. Below are some links to some great sights that offer support and guidance.


Beyond Blue:
