NSW recognised ,Workcover Exercise Physiologist, Michael Chrysanthou is trained to treat injured workers and support them as they recover. Michael has extensive experience in the workers compensation and compulsory third party (CTP) insurance schemes. As a SIRA accredited EP, he will work with your nominated treating doctor, insurance company and other health professionals to ensure you are taken care of correctly for a safe return to work outcome. A Exercise Physiologists role is to support and manage your recovery through the prescription of a graded exercise program specifically designed for your career needs.
Generally a referral from the GP enables us to liaise with the insurer to deliver the necessary management. A claim number is necessary to commence treatment under Workcover.
Pre-approval is sought to guarantee payment and can be obtained after the application of a claim number. Pre-approval can be conditionally set based on the expected outcomes of management and the expectation that the patient will progress towards returning to work.
Contact us for more information on 9708 4338.