Over the last two years, our drive and motivation has really taken a hit. We pick ourselves back up of course, like we’re taught to do. But every hit, takes a little more off our drive, till we reach the point where we are pushing ourselves to do things we can’t remember why we wanted to do in the first place. So how do we ensure we stay motivated and stop procrastinating?

Here are our best tips for getting back on track.

         1. Exercise

Obvious, I know, but exercise can actually teach you discipline. By starting your day off with exercise, you are starting your day with a task that sometimes isn’t the most fun, but is extremely rewarding. Plus, the release of endorphins will make you feel great and give you a motivational kickstart to your day.


      2. Set your Goals

While you enjoy your morning coffee, take 1 minute to think about what you want to achieve today, next week, this year. Having your goals set out, helps to paint the bigger picture of where you want to go.


      3. Write up your tasks for the day.

Making a checklist of things you would like to accomplish each day, can help you to focus and reduce procrastination. Studies have shown that the brain can release small amounts of Dopamine when tasks are ticked off. This is your bodies reward system being activated.


     4. Prioritise your day by which tasks are more urgent/which ones take the longest.

Many people found that using a colour coding system, helped them to identify which tasks were more urgent. That way even if tasks were added on later in the day, instead of having to rewrite the list, they would simply highlight the task in the correct colour. This system showed efficiency and helped them to save time. By prioritising the big stuff first, they also found that as the day went on and they began to wind down, all that was left on their to do list were the lighter tasks.


     5. Is this worth your time?

Before starting a new task, ask yourself if this is going to help you to reach your bigger goals. Will doing this task bring you joy. For example, working back that extra hour without being asked is great for your career, but if you’re a family person, what are you missing out on in your personal life? Finding a good work/life balance is so important, not only for our mental health but it also helps to reduce burn out.


     6. Make sure you are taking lunch breaks at work.

I can honestly say, I am a culprit of getting tunnel vision and forgetting to take proper lunch breaks. My idea of a break is quickly getting something to eat, and then jumping right back into what I was working on. Though lunch breaks seem like slacking off, they are actually some much needed time to recharge and refresh. If you can, try and go for a short walk outside. This will help you to stay active and get some Vitamin D. You will then return to work with a clear mind and a renewed energy.


      7. Make time for fun!

Always remember to live your life. If the last 2 years has taught us anything, it’s that life isn’t meant to be spent behind a desk, in an office, all day, everyday. On your weekends, go for walks on the beach, have a family picnic or simply go for a drive.


If you are searching for guidance and support, Life Coaching may just be what you’re needing. Life Coaching is the process of assisting a person to make positive changes in a number of areas of life such as health, relationships, career, business, emotional and spirituality.


Life Coaching